Making your own homemade enzyme with Oligo 900

Fruit enzymePreviously we mentioned on some advantages of enzymes.  In this post, we are looking at way to produce homemade enzyme.  By taking this "supplement" enzyme that can help in disintegration of food, our body does not have to "waste" enzyme  for food disintegration and can concentrate to make enzymes for other organs and functions.

One of the key steps in making enzyme is hygiene and preferably organic material, in this case we use fruits, is used to prevent introducing toxin into body.  Immense fruits in 5% dilution salt water (5% salt by weight) for half an hour and repeat the step with new dilution for 3 times, this ought to clean out up to 98% of pesticide or herbicide residues.  Another way is to use 15 ml of vinegar diluted with about 1000 ml water for as substitute to salt water mentioned above.  Dry the fruits.  Some tips of making enzymes as below:

  1. Use clean container, cutting board, cutter, gloves to prepare all ingredients.  Do not use container made from metal or aluminum to avoid reaction during fermentation.
  2. Cut the cleaned and dried fruit in thin slice so as to have larger area for nutrients to be released during fermentation.
  3. Put your ingredients in layer starting with less water content ingredient at the bottom, move upward with ingredient that has more water content.  Cover first layer with liquid Oligo and lime flower honey.
  4. Finally wrap the opening of container with stretch film and cover the container with a lid. 
  5. Keep the container in dry cool place for 14 days (for most fruits).

Note: In this exercise, we use Pure isomaltose oligo (Oligo 900) to replace traditional cane sugar as the latter will generate some alcohol content after fermentation that might be harmful to liver. 

Store the ready made enzyme in the fridge, not freezer, and ensure finish it within a month.

Ideal enzyme intake:  15 ml homemade enzyme in dilution with 10 times of water. 

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