Beautiful skin – some facts (natural or organic comestics, tips for beautiful skin)

beautiful skinBeautiful skin has been pursued by women since history.  Beautiful skin is defined as smooth, radiant, elastic, firmed, wrinkle free, and full moisturized.  People are beginning to acknowledge that having beautiful and clear skin boosts self confidence that is useful in career and daily activities.  Let's take a look at some facts of beautiful skin.

Women love cosmetic products as it is their natural instinct wanting to look beautiful.  Artificial cosmetic product such as thick make up tends to block skin pores and prevent normal perspiration.  Moreover, the make up will absorb the moisture needed by skin causing insufficient water and thus dried skin.  Artificial cosmetic will cause premature skin aging.  One good example is most user will fall into trap of finding themselves using thicker and thicker make up as time goes by. 

Human's skin cell regeneration function peaks at the age of about 20 years old.  With incidents such as air pollution, preserved food, staying up late, smoking, stress, the aging process will start sooner.  When skin breathes, regenerates, secretes sebum and sweat normally, it will be clear and beautiful even without make up. 

Nowadays, more women are choosing natural or organic cosmetics that do not have artificial coloring, preservatives, and synthetic chemicals.  Natural or organic cosmetics do not stimulate and aggitate skin much (or close to nil if right product type is chosen) and they do not add stress to skin.  In  addition, natural or organic cosmetics provide nutrition supplementary function to skin allowing it to have normal and natural condition. 

Sufficient sleep is one very important factor to get beautiful skin.  Without enough and good sleep, even with good nutrition, skin will look dull and rough;   this is because new skin cells are generated during sleep.  Apart from 8 hours sleep required, the time to have deep sleep phase is important.  New skin cell regeneration is most active from 10 pm to 3 am. 

Obesity is a warning sign of skin aging.  When body has too much fat accumulated, the body movement and metabolism rate become slower.  Similarly, new skin cell generation becomes slower; thus, promoting skin aging and skin becomes dull and dark.   

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